
Friday, April 26, 2013

Seven Sorta Super Quick Takes: The Move


Remember geography-gate from yesterday wherein I announced that Obi was taking a new job, but I wasn't able to reveal details on where we would be moving, but posted a beautiful teaser pic, and everyone thought I was this mean little teaser-girl?


Well I honestly wasn't actually trying to provoke curiosity. The above scene is just so familiar to me in my self-centered world that I assumed the world at large would say, "Oh! Florida Gulf Coast!" Because that picture just screams it. 


So I can say with absolute clarity that we are moving back to the Gulf Coast (we spent 4 glorious years there before moving to Central Florida 4 years ago.) 

Before we lived in the entire world's most perfectly wonderful little town, Venice, just south of Sarasota, and loved every minute of our time there. In fact, when we moved it felt like the worst break up anyone has ever had, like Venice was saying to our family, "It's been really fun getting to know you, but, it's not you, it's me, and I need to move on without you." And I was heartbroken.  

Well, the Gulf is giving us another shot at romance, and Obi is taking a job in the Fort Myers, Naples general area.


But this is where is gets crazy. A looong bloggy time ago, I did one of those Leibster posts where you answer questions from another blogger, and the prophetic Cari asked, and I answered: 

5. If money were no object, what kind of house would you have: tiny cottage on either Gulf of Mexico or Lake Michigan.


...and over the weekend, while mulling this opportunity around in our tuned-to-the-gypsy channel brains, we found exactly that, just waiting for us: a tiny beach cottage on the Gulf of Mexico. The above shot of the sunset was taken from the front yard, and this was taken on the beach looking back:

And it is absolutely perfect. Not fancy, not big. Romantic and Bohemian, just like me and Obi.

Me after looking at the beach house, completely interiorly freaking out while remaining calm in front of the realtor.  Finally, my hair will make sense.


But it is not etched in stone, we don't have the keys yet, all the paperwork has been filled out, we have been given verbal approval, but these things go if you have any desire for our happiness or for your's through visiting us (because I hereby invite you all if we get this house) PLEASE PRAY FOR A SPEEDY DENOUEMENT!


Bitter in every sweet, we say goodbye to this:

the home where Isaac Augustine came into our lives. This town we live in here in Central Florida is a planned city called, let the embarrassment rain down, Harmony. And he was born in a hospital in a neighboring planned city, the one designed by Mickey Mouse himself, Celebration. 

So although we leave this place behind, Isaac will have the forever distinction of quite literally being conceived in Harmony, born in Celebration. 

Yes, that is true, even without the capitalization.

So thank you, Jen, thanks be to God home from the hospital with your baby of wonder and goodness, for hosting these Quick Takes!


  1. What in the.....I am getting my sandwich cart ready with the beach wheels!

  2. Oh my gosh, conceived in harmony, born in celebration - awesome. You couldn't make that stuff up! Congrats for the move! What does your hubby do for work (not being a stalker, just making hoping to encourage my hubby to do something similar so we can live in similar places!)

    1. Architect! I'm pretty sure teachers and architects live everywhere, Colleen!

  3. Um, okay, so coming to live with you soon! Hope you have enough room for us! I am not very good at home-makerish things, but I make really good coffee!

    Also love the Harmony-Celebration.

    Also gives me hope that since we're pretty nomadic as well that we can eventually get to live in an awesome place like that.

    Excited for you & your fam (not about the actual packing/moving part-that part stinks), but the living part!

  4. Dear blogger Rebekah,

    I found this blog just as you were posting that beautiful beach house picture. I want to be your friend so that I can visit you too! Thus, I shall pray for its resolution. Amen.

    1. Please to make your acquaintance. I see a beautiful friendship in the making. Looking forward to your visit already, do you clean?

    2. Is the girlfriend of Nob Ody starting her own blog too?

    3. Nob Ody dumped her years ago!!

    4. Oh, too bad! He was!

    5. Whoever you are, this is scary. How did you know my boyfriend's name is Nob? And no way did he dump me. He loves me and is completely devoted to me FOREVER....

    6. I have my insiders... Let's just put it this way. Nob isn't always in Roma, bella Roma.

  5. Thanks for solving the mystery, will be praying for happy house resolution.
    Excellent 'birth' story for your littlest.

  6. "Finally, my hair will make sense".

    Oh my gosh. Best line accompanying a selfie ever.
    And I'm v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v.v (etc) jealous of your beach cottage. Heaven.

  7. exciting! Your beach house looks gorgeous!! You're moving to my neck of the woods!

    If there is anything I can help you with, let me know...feel free to email me about schools or homeschool groups or churches or whatever (in Naples..sorry I don't know much about the Ft. Myers area).

    Prayers your adorable beach house goes through.

  8. The cottage....AMAZING! So happy for you and your family. Cannot wait for the blog posts after the move :)

  9. OMG! I am so jealous! I totally want to move to FL tomorrow. I have a friend on Marco Island so I need to visit Naples, stat! Disney is on my mind so maybe we can jaunt over to the coast :)

  10. OMG! I am so jealous! I totally want to move to FL tomorrow. I have a friend on Marco Island so I need to visit Naples, stat! Disney is on my mind so maybe we can jaunt over to the coast :)

  11. The cottage is lovely!! The hair comment, priceless. Prayers going out to you that all goes well and you have a smooth transition. :-)

  12. OH so so cute!!! Prayers for a speedy settlement - wish I could send you my lawyer husband to help you out!

  13. Omg!!! I want to cry looking at your old house! But, the souls who made that house beautiful are going on a sunny beach adventure that I hope to be a part of as I was of the Central Florida home

  14. There is so much goodness in this post. I had to read it twice to get it all. I've never been to Florida, but I've been bugging hubby to plan a cross-country road trip for years. Looks like we'll be swinging down to Florida along the way. :)

    Conceived in Harmony, born in Celebration?! Amazing and funny. After college, we found advertisements for a city for sale... That's right, a whole city on the California coast. It too was named Harmony. We still talk about it.

    Happy for you!

  15. Oh, I love you so much! And I'm so happy for your move to your lovely little cottage by the sea. It's just perfectly beautiful!


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