
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Web Log Interrupted

We have used this beautiful brass censer filled with real Frankincense and Myrrh incense to bless our home with the Blessings of the Three Kings every Epiphany since Peter and Jude were toddlers. The dried pine branch is from our Christmas tree, and the children each take a sprig and dip it in Holy water as we travel throughout our home, bringing the sweet, silky smoke and the little Holy droplets to each room. 

This is one of the Family Es' too few ceremonies we cling to heavily; God's grace is palpable through these simple acts and the years gone by are less of a muddle of memory, as each is attached to the particular feel of a setting: what house were we in? who was a baby? who got to put the chalk inscription above the door that year (well, it's always Jude because some things must stay the same).  

This year Epiphany Sunday was the first full day we lived under our new roof, what a providential way to welcome God into our new home! Well one thing happened, and then another, and most of all exhaustion happened until the day had come and gone with no blessing. No matter. Next day will be better. But Obi was travelling. No matter we'll wait.

Well, we're still waiting. It's been a rough go of it, whodda thunk? 

So many changes in our family in this past year. So much growing our family has done. But I feel like with all this changing and growing I haven't exactly stepped up my game. I feel like the little one with a blanky I won't let go of and a thumb in my mouth, toddling along and stopping every once in awhile to ask aloud to no one in particular, "Where am I going again?"

That little one doesn't make a very good mama, even I can see that. I need to concentrate on this crazy home and these crazy people here which means laying aside for awhile all the distractions I love so much (which means I just may never beat all the free levels of Candy Crush or see the second season of Sherlock). I need to be quiet for awhile and remember who I am and where I'm going.

Allora, Dear Web Log, I need to put you aside for awhile, too. 

Promise you won't forget me? 

I'll be right back!


  1. We all need a reboot sometimes!

  2. No!! You are the 3rd blogger I follow that is taking a break. I'm going to have to join FB. Mwahahahaha!

    I will miss you dearly, but understand completely.

  3. I will miss you, my dear friend...
    Enjoy your quiet, and I will be here whenever you return. : )

  4. Very cool censer. I love family traditions.
    Wishing you a happy and refreshing break! Don't be too hard on yourself, we all are whiny toddlers on occasion! :)

  5. I will miss you. I love those pictures of your ocean, crazy tree houses and of course the most adorable blond kiddos. Come back soon and update!

  6. Good luck and God Bless! Godspeed you back to us soon after your break. =)

  7. Aw...we'll miss you! Come back soon!! (I completely understand the need for a break though. May it be a peaceful and productive one).

  8. Oh, Rebekah, I'm sorry to hear you're taking a break...but boy, do I ever understand the need for it. I think about it a lot myself. You're going to be missed--but you'll be back, right?

    Wishing you peace and many blessings!

  9. Say it isn't so! What will I do without my morning coffee...aka Rebekah ES. love you, MJ

  10. Enjoy your break!
    See ya when you get back :)

  11. You are wiser and braver than me. I wish you well and that you get it together soon so you can come back and tell ME how to do it. Hugs.

  12. Now that you'll have all this free time, maybe we could go on a date.

  13. Ha!! Okay who is Dirk, really? I will miss your beautiful posts. Now can you write me a 5 page email? Just kidding. I'll callya one of these days when I'm not sitting on the couch nursing a little monkey babe.

  14. We'll miss you while you are gone, but I completely understand. I've just returned from a hiatus and I just did not need another thing (like blogging) to feel like I 'had' to do, even if it really was what I wanted to do. Blessings on your time ahead.

  15. You will be missed, you and your family are in my prayers, but no - definitely not forgotten! Take your time!!

  16. You will be missed, you and your family are in my prayers, but no - definitely not forgotten! Take your time!!

  17. Bless your time! I've enjoyed your writing and the glimpses of your life.

  18. Been meaning to email you to get the scoop on this move. Really been thinking about you, hope it is all going smoothly.

  19. Hey, I have a question I wanted to ask you regarding your blog. If you could send me an email when you get this, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks!

  20. Miss you! Hope all is well with your beautiful family.


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