Sunday, March 3, 2013

Grown Up Header

Been around this place for two months now and finally created my own header! 

Well, I actually did none of the creating, I just made useful comments to Obi like, "Not like that," or "Could you move it just
a tiny bit..again?" But Obi the Ever Patient made no complaints and said he was enjoying figuring out how to use Gimp, an open source image editing, kinda justa free Photoshop. Always the silver lining type of guy.

But what I am really happy about is the adorable illustration courtesy of artist Seth Macbeth. I found her original piece:

the font...

on Pinterest of course, and was just blown away. My two faves: coffee and books! I imagine there is a pair of running shoes kicked off on the coach just in front of this chick. I have been spending all weekend trying to convince family members that the captivating cutie looks the littlest bit like me. With not much success. Oh well, I love her.

Without much hope, I sent a letter off into internet oblivion asking permission to use the image on my blog header. And she consented! I'm now her biggest fan and I can't get enough of all things Macbeth. Graphic and jewelry designer with a literary twist I can't resist, check her out.


  1. Totally you! Just not quite as cute and pretty! Since I was blog-reading, I just surfed one called "fat mum slim" or something like that, and then "momastery". Yours is better, by like, 1000. And they have tens of thousands of followers! They both take way too long to say what they're trying to say, and (sorry, now I sound mean) a lot of what they're saying is...fluff. (As sweet as I'm sure they both are.) Maybe I should erase this and start over.

  2. Hi Rebekah, I love your new header! I've nominated you for a Liebster award. Details on my blog. If you'd rather not participate that's 100% okay, but if you do I'd love to see your answers!
    ~ Laura


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